Source code for checkdmarc

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

"""Validates and parses email-related DNS records"""

from __future__ import annotations

import logging
import dns
import json
from collections import OrderedDict
from typing import Union
from time import sleep
from io import StringIO
from csv import DictWriter

import checkdmarc._constants
from checkdmarc.utils import get_base_domain, get_nameservers, DNSException
from checkdmarc.dnssec import test_dnssec
from checkdmarc.mta_sts import check_mta_sts
from checkdmarc.smtp import check_mx
from checkdmarc.spf import check_spf
from checkdmarc.dmarc import check_dmarc
from checkdmarc.bimi import check_bimi
from checkdmarc.smtp_tls_reporting import check_smtp_tls_reporting

"""Copyright 2019-2023 Sean Whalen

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License."""

__version__ = checkdmarc._constants.__version__

[docs] def check_domains(domains: list[str], parked: bool = False, approved_nameservers: list[str] = None, approved_mx_hostnames: bool = None, skip_tls: bool = False, bimi_selector: str = None, include_tag_descriptions: bool = False, nameservers: list[str] = None, resolver: dns.resolver.Resolver = None, timeout: float = 2.0, wait: float = 0.0) -> Union[OrderedDict, list[OrderedDict]]: """ Check the given domains for SPF and DMARC records, parse them, and return them Args: domains (list): A list of domains to check parked (bool): Indicates that the domains are parked approved_nameservers (list): A list of approved nameservers approved_mx_hostnames (list): A list of approved MX hostname skip_tls (bool): Skip STARTTLS testing bimi_selector (str): The BIMI selector to test include_tag_descriptions (bool): Include descriptions of tags and/or tag values in the results nameservers (list): A list of nameservers to query resolver (dns.resolver.Resolver): A resolver object to use for DNS requests timeout (float): number of seconds to wait for an answer from DNS wait (float): number of seconds to wait between processing domains Returns: An ``OrderedDict`` or ``list`` of `OrderedDict` with the following keys - ``domain`` - The domain name - ``base_domain`` The base domain - ``mx`` - See :func:`checkdmarc.smtp.get_mx_hosts` - ``spf`` - A ``valid`` flag, plus the output of :func:`checkdmarc.spf.parse_spf_record` or an ``error`` - ``dmarc`` - A ``valid`` flag, plus the output of :func:`checkdmarc.dmarc.parse_dmarc_record` or an ``error`` """ domains = sorted(list(set( map(lambda d: d.rstrip(".\r\n").strip().lower().split(",")[0], domains)))) not_domains = [] for domain in domains: if "." not in domain: not_domains.append(domain) for domain in not_domains: domains.remove(domain) while "" in domains: domains.remove("") results = [] for domain in domains: domain = domain.lower() logging.debug(f"Checking: {domain}") domain_results = OrderedDict( [("domain", domain), ("base_domain", get_base_domain(domain)), ("dnssec", None), ("ns", []), ("mx", [])]) domain_results["dnssec"] = test_dnssec( domain, nameservers=nameservers, timeout=timeout ) domain_results["ns"] = check_ns( domain, approved_nameservers=approved_nameservers, nameservers=nameservers, resolver=resolver, timeout=timeout ) mta_sts_mx_patterns = None domain_results["mta_sts"] = check_mta_sts(domain, nameservers=nameservers, resolver=resolver, timeout=timeout) if domain_results["mta_sts"]["valid"]: mta_sts_mx_patterns = domain_results["mta_sts"]["policy"]["mx"] domain_results["mx"] = check_mx( domain, approved_mx_hostnames=approved_mx_hostnames, mta_sts_mx_patterns=mta_sts_mx_patterns, skip_tls=skip_tls, nameservers=nameservers, resolver=resolver, timeout=timeout ) domain_results["spf"] = check_spf( domain, parked=parked, nameservers=nameservers, resolver=resolver, timeout=timeout ) domain_results["dmarc"] = check_dmarc( domain, parked=parked, include_dmarc_tag_descriptions=include_tag_descriptions, nameservers=nameservers, resolver=resolver, timeout=timeout ) domain_results["smtp_tls_reporting"] = check_smtp_tls_reporting( domain, nameservers=nameservers, resolver=resolver, timeout=timeout ) if bimi_selector is not None: domain_results["bimi"] = check_bimi( domain, selector=bimi_selector, include_tag_descriptions=include_tag_descriptions, nameservers=nameservers, resolver=resolver, timeout=timeout) results.append(domain_results) if wait > 0.0: logging.debug(f"Sleeping for {wait} seconds") sleep(wait) if len(results) == 1: results = results[0] return results
[docs] def check_ns(domain: str, approved_nameservers: list[str] = None, nameservers: list[str] = None, resolver: dns.resolver.Resolver = None, timeout: float = 2.0) -> OrderedDict: """ Returns a dictionary of nameservers and warnings or a dictionary with an empty list and an error. Args: domain (str): A domain name approved_nameservers (list): A list of approved nameserver substrings nameservers (list): A list of nameservers to query resolver (dns.resolver.Resolver): A resolver object to use for DNS requests timeout (float): number of seconds to wait for a record from DNS Returns: OrderedDict: A dictionary with the following keys: - ``hostnames`` - A list of nameserver hostnames - ``warnings`` - A list of warnings If a DNS error occurs, the dictionary will have the following keys: - ``hostnames`` - An empty list - ``error`` - An error message """ try: ns_results = get_nameservers( domain, approved_nameservers=approved_nameservers, nameservers=nameservers, resolver=resolver, timeout=timeout) except DNSException as error: ns_results = OrderedDict([("hostnames", []), ("error", error.__str__())]) return ns_results
[docs] def results_to_json(results: Union[dict, list[dict]]) -> str: """ Converts a dictionary of results or list of results to a JSON string Args: results (dict): A dictionary of results Returns: str: Results in JSON format """ return json.dumps(results, ensure_ascii=False, indent=2)
[docs] def results_to_csv_rows(results: Union[dict, list[dict]]) -> list[dict]: """ Converts a results dictionary or list of dictionaries and returns a list of CSV row dictionaries Args: results (dict): A dictionary of results Returns: list: A list of CSV row dictionaries """ rows = [] if type(results) is OrderedDict: results = [results] for result in results: row = dict() ns = result["ns"] mx = result["mx"] _mta_sts = result["mta_sts"] _spf = result["spf"] _dmarc = result["dmarc"] row["domain"] = result["domain"] row["base_domain"] = result["base_domain"] row["dnssec"] = result["dnssec"] row["ns"] = "|".join(ns["hostnames"]) _smtp_tls_reporting = result["smtp_tls_reporting"] if "error" in ns: row["ns_error"] = ns["error"] else: row["ns_warnings"] = "|".join(ns["warnings"]) if "error" in _mta_sts: row["mta_sts_error"] = _mta_sts["error"] else: row["mta_sts_id"] = _mta_sts["id"] row["mta_sts_mode"] = _mta_sts["policy"]["mode"] row["mta_sts_max_age"] = _mta_sts["policy"]["max_age"] row["mta_sts_mx"] = "|".join(_mta_sts["policy"]["mx"]) row["mta_sts_warnings"] = "|".join(_mta_sts["warnings"]) if "bimi" in result: _bimi = result["bimi"] row["bimi_warnings"] = "|".join(_bimi["warnings"]) row["bimi_selector"] = _bimi["selector"] if "error" in _bimi: row["bimi_error"] = _bimi["error"] if "l" in _bimi["tags"]: row["bimi_l"] = _bimi["tags"]["l"]["value"] if "a" in _bimi["tags"]: row["bimi_a"] = _bimi["tags"]["a"]["value"] row["mx"] = "|".join(list( map(lambda r: f"{r['preference']}, {r['hostname']}", mx["hosts"]))) tls = None try: tls_results = list(map(lambda r: f"{r['starttls']}", mx["hosts"])) for tls_result in tls_results: tls = tls_result if tls_result is False: tls = False break except KeyError: # The user might opt to skip the STARTTLS test pass finally: row["tls"] = tls starttls = None try: starttls_results = list( map(lambda r: f"{r['starttls']}", mx["hosts"])) for starttls_result in starttls_results: starttls = starttls_result if starttls_result is False: starttls = False except KeyError: # The user might opt to skip the STARTTLS test pass finally: row["starttls"] = starttls if "error" in mx: row["mx_error"] = mx["error"] else: row["mx_warnings"] = "|".join(mx["warnings"]) row["spf_record"] = _spf["record"] row["spf_valid"] = _spf["valid"] if "error" in _spf: row["spf_error"] = _spf["error"] else: row["spf_warnings"] = "|".join(_spf["warnings"]) row["dmarc_record"] = _dmarc["record"] row["dmarc_record_location"] = _dmarc["location"] row["dmarc_valid"] = _dmarc["valid"] if "error" in _dmarc: row["dmarc_error"] = _dmarc["error"] else: row["dmarc_adkim"] = _dmarc["tags"]["adkim"]["value"] row["dmarc_aspf"] = _dmarc["tags"]["aspf"]["value"] row["dmarc_fo"] = ":".join(_dmarc["tags"]["fo"]["value"]) row["dmarc_p"] = _dmarc["tags"]["p"]["value"] row["dmarc_pct"] = _dmarc["tags"]["pct"]["value"] row["dmarc_rf"] = ":".join(_dmarc["tags"]["rf"]["value"]) row["dmarc_ri"] = _dmarc["tags"]["ri"]["value"] row["dmarc_sp"] = _dmarc["tags"]["sp"]["value"] if "rua" in _dmarc["tags"]: addresses = _dmarc["tags"]["rua"]["value"] addresses = list(map(lambda u: "{}:{}".format( u["scheme"], u["address"]), addresses)) row["dmarc_rua"] = "|".join(addresses) if "ruf" in _dmarc["tags"]: addresses = _dmarc["tags"]["ruf"]["value"] addresses = list(map(lambda u: "{}:{}".format( u["scheme"], u["address"]), addresses)) row["dmarc_ruf"] = "|".join(addresses) row["dmarc_warnings"] = "|".join(_dmarc["warnings"]) if "error" in _smtp_tls_reporting: row["smtp_tls_reporting_valid"] = False row["smtp_tls_reporting_error"] = _smtp_tls_reporting["error"] else: row["smtp_tls_reporting_valid"] = True row["smtp_tls_reporting_rua"] = "|".join(_smtp_tls_reporting[ "tags"]["rua"][ "value"]) row["smtp_tls_reporting_warnings"] = _smtp_tls_reporting[ "warnings"] rows.append(row) return rows
[docs] def results_to_csv(results: dict) -> str: """ Converts a dictionary of results to CSV Args: results (dict): A dictionary of results Returns: str: A CSV of results """ fields = ["domain", "base_domain", "dnssec", "spf_valid", "dmarc_valid", "dmarc_adkim", "dmarc_aspf", "dmarc_fo", "dmarc_p", "dmarc_pct", "dmarc_rf", "dmarc_ri", "dmarc_rua", "dmarc_ruf", "dmarc_sp", "tls", "starttls", "spf_record", "dmarc_record", "dmarc_record_location", "mx", "mx_error", "mx_warnings", "mta_sts_id", "mta_sts_mode", "mta_sts_max_age", "smtp_tls_reporting_valid", "smtp_tls_reporting_rua", "mta_sts_mx", "mta_sts_error", "mta_sts_warnings", "spf_error", "spf_warnings", "dmarc_error", "dmarc_warnings", "ns", "ns_error", "ns_warnings", "smtp_tls_reporting_error", "smtp_tls_reporting_warnings"] output = StringIO(newline="\n") writer = DictWriter(output, fieldnames=fields) writer.writeheader() rows = results_to_csv_rows(results) writer.writerows(rows) output.flush() return output.getvalue()
[docs] def output_to_file(path: str, content: str): """ Write given content to the given path Args: path (str): A file path content (str): JSON or CSV text """ with open(path, "w", newline="\n", encoding="utf-8", errors="ignore") as output_file: output_file.write(content)