Source code for dnsdb

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

"""An unofficial Farsight Security DNSDB client"""

from __future__ import print_function

import os
import logging
import json
import locale
import copy
from datetime import datetime
from collections import OrderedDict
from csv import DictWriter
    # Python 2 support
    from cStringIO import StringIO
except ImportError:
    from io import StringIO

import dateparser
import click
from dateutil import tz
from requests import session

"""Copyright 2019 Sean Whalen

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License."""

__version__ = "1.2.4"

locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, '')

def _epoch_to_datetime(epoch_seconds):
    Converts a UTC UNIX epoch timestamp to a Python DateTime object

        epoch_seconds: A UNIX epoch value

        DateTime: A Python DateTime representation of the epoch value

    if type(epoch_seconds) == datetime:
        return epoch_seconds
        return datetime.fromtimestamp(int(epoch_seconds), tz=tz.tzutc())

def _timestamp_to_iso8601(dt):
    Converts a datetime object or epoch timestamp to an ISO 8601 string

        dt (datetime): The datetime to convert
        dt (int): epoch timestamp


    str: a timestamp in ISO 5601 format

    if type(dt) == int:
        dt = _epoch_to_datetime(dt)

    return dt.isoformat()

def _datetime_to_timestamp(dt):
    Converts a Python datetime object to a UNIX timestamp
        dt (datetime): A python datetime object

        int: A UNIX timestamp
    return int((dt - datetime(1970, 1, 1)).total_seconds())

[docs]class DNSDBAPIError(RuntimeError): """ Raised when an error is returned by DNSDB """ pass
[docs]class BadRequest(DNSDBAPIError): """ Raised then a request is improperly formatted """
[docs]class UnauthorizedAPIKey(DNSDBAPIError): """ Raised when the API key is not authorized (usually indicates the block quota is expired) """ pass
[docs]class InvalidAPIKey(DNSDBAPIError): """ Raised when the API key is invalid, or the client IP address is not authorized for the account """
class _NoRecordsFound(DNSDBAPIError): """ Raised when no records are found for the given lookup """
[docs]class QuotaExceeded(DNSDBAPIError): """ Raised when the API quota limit has been exceeded For time-based quotas: The API key daily quota limit is exceeded. The quota will automatically replenish, usually at the start of the next day. For block-based quotas: The block quota is exhausted. You may need to purchase a larger quota. For burst rate secondary quotas: There were too many queries within the burst window. The window will automatically reopen at its end. """ pass
[docs]class ServerSideError(DNSDBAPIError): """ Raised when a server side error occurs """ pass
[docs]class TooManyConnections(DNSDBAPIError): """ Raised when the limit of number of concurrent connections is exceeded """ pass
def _load_json(dnsdb_json_string, sort_by=None, reverse=False): """ Converts the lines of separate provided by DNSDB to a Python list Args: dnsdb_json_string (str): JSON output from DNSDBAPI sort_by: An optional field to sort by reverse (bool): Reverse the sorting Returns: list: A Python list of result of result dictionaries """ results = [] for line in dnsdb_json_string.split("\n"): if len(line) > 1: result = json.loads(line) new_result = OrderedDict() if "bailiwick" in result: new_result["bailiwick"] = result["bailiwick"] if "count" in result: new_result["count"] = result["count"] if "time_first" in result: new_result["first_seen"] = result["time_first"] new_result["last_seen"] = result["time_last"] new_result["source"] = "sensor" elif "zone_first" in result: new_result["first_seen"] = result["zone_first_seen"] new_result["last_seen"] = result["zone_last_seen"] new_result["source"] = "zone" if "rrname" in result: new_result["rrname"] = result["rrname"] if "rrtype" in result: new_result["rrtype"] = result["rrtype"] if "rdata" in result: new_result["rdata"] = result["rdata"] results.append(new_result) def _sorter(_result): if sort_by in _result: return _result[sort_by] return 0 if sort_by is not None: results = list(sorted( results, key=_sorter, reverse=reverse)) for result in results: if "first_seen" in result: result["first_seen"] = _epoch_to_datetime( result["first_seen"]) if "last_seen" in result: result["last_seen"] = _epoch_to_datetime( result["last_seen"]) return results
[docs]def dnsdb_results_to_json(results): """ Converts DNSDB results to pretty JSON Args: results (dict): DNSDB results Returns: str: Results as a JSON string """ results = copy.deepcopy(results) for result in results: if "first_seen" in result: result["first_seen"] = _timestamp_to_iso8601(result["first_seen"]) if "last_seen" in result: result["last_seen"] = _timestamp_to_iso8601(result["last_seen"]) return json.dumps(results, indent=2, ensure_ascii=False)
def _dnsdb_result_to_text(result): """ Converts a single DNSDB result to text in DNS master File format Args: result (dict): DNSDB result Returns: str: DNS master file content """ s = "" if 'bailiwick' in result: s += ';; bailiwick: {0}\n'.format(result["bailiwick"]) if 'count' in result: s += ';; count: {0}\n'.format(locale.format_string( "%d", result["count"], True )) if "source" in result: s += ";; source: {0}\n".format(result["source"]) if 'first_seen' in result: s += ';; first seen: {0}\n'.format(_timestamp_to_iso8601( result["first_seen"] )) if 'last_seen' in result: s += ';; last seen: {0}\n'.format(_timestamp_to_iso8601( result["last_seen"] )) if 'rdata' in result: if type(result["rdata"]) == list: for rdata in result['rdata']: s += '{0} IN {1} {2}\n'.format(result['rrname'], result['rrtype'], rdata) else: s += '{0} IN {1} {2}\n'.format(result['rrname'], result['rrtype'], result["rdata"]) return s
[docs]def dnsdb_results_to_text(results): """ Converts DNSDB results to text in DNS master File format Args: results (dict): DNSDB results Returns: str: DNS master file content """ results = copy.deepcopy(results) return "\n".join(list(map(lambda x: _dnsdb_result_to_text(x), results)))
[docs]def dnsdb_results_to_csv(results): """ Converts DNSDB results to CSV format Args: results (dict): DNSDB results Returns: str: Results in CSV format """ results = copy.deepcopy(results) csv_file = StringIO() fields = ["bailiwick", "count", "first_seen", "last_seen", "source", "rrname", "rrtype", "rdata"] csv = DictWriter(csv_file, fieldnames=fields) csv.writeheader() for result in results: if "first_seen" in result: result["first_seen"] = _timestamp_to_iso8601(result["first_seen"]) if "last_seen" in result: result["last_seen"] = _timestamp_to_iso8601(result["last_seen"]) if "rdata" in result: if type(result["rdata"]) == list: result["rdata"] = "|".join(result["rdata"]) csv.writerow(result) return
[docs]class DNSDBAPI(object): """ A Python interface to the Farsight Security DNSDB API .. """ def __init__(self, api_key=None, client_name=None, client_version=None, url_root=""): """ Configures the API client Args: api_key (str): DNSDB API key; overridden by the ``DNSDB_KEY`` environment variable client_name (str): The client's name client_version (str): The client's version url_root (str): The root URL of the DNSDB API """ if "DNSDB_KEY" in os.environ: api_key = os.environ["DNSDB_KEY"] if "DNSDB_ROOT" in os.environ: url_root = os.environ["DNSDB_ROOT"] if api_key is None: raise InvalidAPIKey( "An API key must provided as the api_key parameter, or the " "DNSDB_KEY environment variable.") if api_key.startswith("dce-"): logging.warning("DNSDB Community Edition (DCE) key detected. Time " "filtering and number of results will be limited.") if client_name is None or client_version is None: self.client_name = "dnsdb-python" self.client_version = __version__ else: self.client_name = client_name, self.client_version = client_version user_agent = "{0}/{1}".format(self.client_name, self.client_version) default_headers = {"User-Agent": user_agent, "X-API-Key": api_key} self._root = url_root self._api_key = api_key self._session = session() self._session.headers.update(default_headers) def _get(self, endpoint, params=None, _json=True, sort_by=None, reverse=False): default_params = dict(swclient=self.client_name, version=self.client_version) _params = copy.deepcopy(default_params) if params: _params.update(params) endpoint = "{0}/{1}".format(self._root, endpoint.strip("/")) headers = self._session.headers if _json is False and sort_by is not None: raise ValueError("Sorting can only be used with JSON") if _json: headers.update({"Accept": "application/json"}) response = self._session.get(endpoint, headers=headers, params=_params)"Querying {0}".format(response.url)) if response.status_code == 200: if _json: return _load_json(response.text, sort_by=sort_by, reverse=reverse) else: return response.text if response.status_code == 400: raise BadRequest("The request is improperly formatted") elif response.status_code == 401: error_msg = "the API key is not authorized " \ "(usually indicates the block quota is expired)" raise UnauthorizedAPIKey(error_msg) elif response.status_code == 403: error_msg = "The API key is invalid, or the client IP " \ "address is not authorized for the account" raise InvalidAPIKey(error_msg) elif response.status_code == 404: raise _NoRecordsFound("No records found for the given lookup") elif response.status_code == 429: raise QuotaExceeded("API quota exceeded") elif response.status_code == 500: raise ServerSideError("Error processing the request") elif response.status_code == 503: raise TooManyConnections("Too many concurrent connections") else: error_msg = "Unexpected status code: " \ "{0}".format(response.status_code) raise DNSDBAPIError(error_msg) def get_quotas(self): quotas = self._get("/lookup/rate_limit", _json=False) quotas = json.loads(quotas)["rate"] if "limit" in quotas: if quotas["limit"] == "unlimited": quotas["limit"] = None if "reset" in quotas: if quotas["reset"] == "n/a": del quotas["reset"] else: quotas["reset"] = _timestamp_to_iso8601(quotas["reset"]) if "expires" in quotas: if quotas["expires"] == "n/a": del quotas["expires"] else: quotas["expires"] = _timestamp_to_iso8601(quotas["expires"]) if "remaining" in quotas: if quotas["remaining"] == "n/a": del quotas["remaining"] return quotas
[docs] def forward_lookup(self, owner_name, rrtype="ANY", bailiwick=None, first_seen_before=None, first_seen_after=None, last_seen_before=None, last_seen_after=None, limit=None, sort_by=None, reverse=False): """ Performs a forward DNS lookup Args: owner_name (str): The DNS Owner Name rrtype (str): The DNS Resource Record type bailiwick (str): The DNS bailiwick first_seen_before (str): Filter results first seen before this date first_seen_after (str): Filter results first seen after this date last_seen_before (str): Filter results last seen before this date last_seen_after (str): Filter results first seen before after date limit (int): The maximum number of results to return sort_by: An optional field to sort by reverse (bool): Reverse the sorting Returns: Results as a Python list, or as text in DNS master file format if ``return_text`` is ``True`` """ if rrtype is not None: rrtype = rrtype.upper() params = dict() if limit is not None: params["limit"] = limit if bailiwick is not None and rrtype is None: raise ValueError("rrtype must be specified when using bailiwick") endpoint = "/lookup/rrset/name/{0}".format(owner_name) if rrtype is not None: endpoint += "/{0}".format(rrtype) if bailiwick is not None: endpoint += "/{0}".format(bailiwick) if first_seen_before is not None: first_seen_before = _datetime_to_timestamp( dateparser.parse(first_seen_before)) params["time_first_before"] = first_seen_before if first_seen_after is not None: first_seen_after = _datetime_to_timestamp( dateparser.parse(first_seen_after)) params["time_first_after"] = first_seen_after if last_seen_before is not None: last_seen_before = _datetime_to_timestamp( dateparser.parse(last_seen_before)) params["time_last_before"] = last_seen_before if last_seen_after is not None: last_seen_after = _datetime_to_timestamp( dateparser.parse(last_seen_after)) params["time_last_after"] = last_seen_after try: return self._get(endpoint, params=params, sort_by=sort_by, reverse=reverse) except _NoRecordsFound: return []
[docs] def inverse_lookup(self, _type, value, rrtype=None, first_seen_before=None, first_seen_after=None, last_seen_before=None, last_seen_after=None, limit=None, sort_by=None, reverse=None): """ Performs a inverse DNS lookup Args: _type (str): One of the following: - ``name``: A DNS domain name (use ``*`` as a wildcard) - ``ip``: An IPv4 or IPv6 address, range, or CIDR notation - ``raw``: An even number of hexadecimal digits value (str): The rdata value to search for rrtype (str): The DNS Resource Record type first_seen_before (str): Filter results first seen before this date first_seen_after (str): Filter results first seen after this date last_seen_before (str): Filter results last seen before this date last_seen_after (str): Filter results first seen before after date limit (int): The maximum number of results to return sort_by: An optional field to sort by reverse (bool): Reverse the sorting Returns: Results as a Python list, or as text in DNS master file format if ``return_text`` is ``True`` """ if rrtype is not None: rrtype = rrtype.upper() params = dict() if limit is not None: params["limit"] = limit _type = _type.lower() if _type not in ["name", "ip", "raw"]: raise ValueError("_type must be name, ip, or raw") if _type == "ip": value = value.replace("/", ",").replace("\\", ",") endpoint = "/lookup/rdata/{0}/{1}".format(_type, value) if rrtype is not None: endpoint += "/{0}".format(rrtype) if first_seen_before is not None: first_seen_before = _datetime_to_timestamp( dateparser.parse(first_seen_before)) params["time_first_before"] = first_seen_before if first_seen_after is not None: first_seen_after = _datetime_to_timestamp( dateparser.parse(first_seen_after)) params["time_first_after"] = first_seen_after if last_seen_before is not None: last_seen_before = _datetime_to_timestamp( dateparser.parse(last_seen_before)) params["time_last_before"] = last_seen_before if last_seen_after is not None: last_seen_after = _datetime_to_timestamp( dateparser.parse(last_seen_after)) params["time_last_after"] = last_seen_after try: return self._get(endpoint, params=params, sort_by=sort_by, reverse=reverse) except _NoRecordsFound: return []
class _CLIConfig(object): def __init__(self, verbose=False): if verbose: logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO, format="%(levelname)s: %(message)s") else: logging.basicConfig(level=logging.WARNING, format="%(levelname)s: %(message)s") try: self.client = DNSDBAPI() except InvalidAPIKey: logging.error("DNSDB_KEY environment variable missing or " "invalid.") exit(-1) @click.version_option(version=__version__) @click.option("--verbose", is_flag=True, help="Enable verbose logging.") @click.pass_context def _main(ctx, verbose=False): """An unofficial Farsight Security DNSDB client""" ctx.obj = _CLIConfig(verbose=verbose) @_main.command("quotas") @click.pass_context def _get_quotas(ctx): """Show the API quotas for your API key and exit.""" print(json.dumps(ctx.obj.client.get_quotas(), indent=2)) @_main.command("forward") @click.argument("owner_name") @click.option("-t", "--rrtype", help="Filter results by DNS resource record " "type.", default="ANY", show_default=True) @click.option("-b", "--bailiwick", help="Filter results by DNS bailiwick.") @click.option("--first-seen-before", help="Only show results first seen before this date.") @click.option("--first-seen-after", help="Only show results first seen after this date.") @click.option("--last-seen-before", help="Only show results last seen before this date.") @click.option("--last-seen-after", help="Only show results last seen after this date.") @click.option("-l", "--limit", type=int, help="Limit the number of results to this number.") @click.option("-s", "--sort", "sort_by", help="Sort JSON results by this field.", type=click.Choice(["count", "first_seen", "last_seen", "rrname", "rrtype", "bailiwick", "rdata", "source"]), ) @click.option("-r", "--reverse", is_flag=True, help="Reverse the sorting.") @click.option("-f", "--format", "_format", type=click.Choice(["text", "json", "csv"]), default="text", show_default=True, help="Set the screen output format.") @click.option("--output", "-o", "output_paths", type=click.Path(dir_okay=False, writable=True), multiple=True, help="One or more output file paths that end in .csv, .json, " " or .txt (suppresses screen output).") @click.pass_context def _forward_lookup(ctx, owner_name, rrtype="ANY", bailiwick=None, first_seen_before=None, first_seen_after=None, last_seen_before=None, last_seen_after=None, limit=None, sort_by=None, reverse=False, _format="text", output_paths=None): """Forward DNS lookup.""" try: results = ctx.obj.client.forward_lookup( owner_name, rrtype=rrtype, bailiwick=bailiwick, first_seen_before=first_seen_before, first_seen_after=first_seen_after, last_seen_before=last_seen_before, last_seen_after=last_seen_after, limit=limit, sort_by=sort_by, reverse=reverse ) if len(output_paths) == 0: if _format == "json": print(dnsdb_results_to_json(results)) elif _format == "csv": print(dnsdb_results_to_csv(results)) else: print(dnsdb_results_to_text(results)) else: for output_path in output_paths: with open(output_path, "w", newline="\n") as output_file: if output_path.lower().endswith(".json"): output_file.write(dnsdb_results_to_json(results)) elif output_path.lower().endswith(".csv"): output_file.write(dnsdb_results_to_csv(results)) else: output_file.write(dnsdb_results_to_text(results)) except Exception as e: logging.error(e.__str__()) exit(-1) @_main.command("inverse") @click.argument("query_type", type=click.Choice(["name", "ip", "raw"])) @click.argument("value") @click.option("-t", "--rrtype", help="Filter results by DNS resource record " "type.", default="ANY", show_default=True) @click.option("--first-seen-before", help="Only show results first seen before this date.") @click.option("--first-seen-after", help="Only show results first seen after this date.") @click.option("--last-seen-before", help="Only show results last seen before this date.") @click.option("--last-seen-after", help="Only show results last seen after this date.") @click.option("-l", "--limit", type=int, help="Limit the number of results to this number.") @click.option("-s", "--sort", "sort_by", help="Sort JSON results by this field.", type=click.Choice(["count", "first_seen", "last_seen", "rrname", "rrtype", "bailiwick", "rdata", "source"]) ) @click.option("-r", "--reverse", is_flag=True, help="Reverse the sorting.") @click.option("-f", "--format", "_format", type=click.Choice(["text", "json", "csv"]), default="text", show_default=True, help="Set the screen output format.") @click.option("--output", "-o", "output_paths", type=click.Path(dir_okay=False, writable=True), multiple=True, help="One or more output file paths that end in .csv, .json, " " or .txt (suppresses screen output).") @click.pass_context def _inverse_lookup(ctx, query_type, value, rrtype="ANY", first_seen_before=None, first_seen_after=None, last_seen_before=None, last_seen_after=None, limit=None, sort_by=None, reverse=False, _format="text", output_paths=None): """Inverse DNS lookup.""" try: results = ctx.obj.client.inverse_lookup( query_type, value, rrtype=rrtype, first_seen_before=first_seen_before, first_seen_after=first_seen_after, last_seen_before=last_seen_before, last_seen_after=last_seen_after, limit=limit, sort_by=sort_by, reverse=reverse ) if len(output_paths) == 0: if _format == "json": print(dnsdb_results_to_json(results)) elif _format == "csv": print(dnsdb_results_to_csv(results)) else: print(dnsdb_results_to_text(results)) else: for output_path in output_paths: with open(output_path, "w", encoding="utf-8", newline="\n") as output_file: if output_path.lower().endswith(".json"): output_file.write(dnsdb_results_to_json(results)) elif output_path.lower().endswith(".csv"): output_file.write(dnsdb_results_to_csv(results)) else: output_file.write(dnsdb_results_to_text(results)) except Exception as e: logging.error(e.__str__()) exit(-1) if __name__ == "__main__": _main()