parsedmarc documentation - Open source DMARC report analyzer and visualizer
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is a Python module and CLI utility for parsing DMARC reports.
When used with Elasticsearch and Kibana (or Splunk), or with OpenSearch and Grafana, it works as a self-hosted
open source alternative to commercial DMARC report processing services such
as Agari Brand Protection, Dmarcian, OnDMARC, ProofPoint Email Fraud Defense,
and Valimail.
Parses draft and 1.0 standard aggregate/rua reports
Parses forensic/failure/ruf reports
Can parse reports from an inbox over IMAP, Microsoft Graph, or Gmail API
Transparently handles gzip or zip compressed reports
Consistent data structures
Simple JSON and/or CSV output
Optionally email the results
Optionally send the results to Elasticsearch/OpenSearch and/or Splunk, for use with premade dashboards
Optionally send reports to Apache Kafka