Source code for parsedmarc

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

"""A Python package for parsing DMARC reports"""

import binascii
import email
import email.utils
import json
import mailbox
import os
import re
import shutil
import tempfile
import xml.parsers.expat as expat
import zipfile
import zlib
from base64 import b64decode
from collections import OrderedDict
from csv import DictWriter
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from io import BytesIO, StringIO
from typing import Callable

import mailparser
import xmltodict
from expiringdict import ExpiringDict
from lxml import etree
from mailsuite.smtp import send_email

from parsedmarc.log import logger
from parsedmarc.mail import (
from parsedmarc.utils import get_base_domain, get_ip_address_info
from parsedmarc.utils import is_outlook_msg, convert_outlook_msg
from parsedmarc.utils import parse_email
from parsedmarc.utils import timestamp_to_human, human_timestamp_to_datetime

__version__ = "8.18.1"

logger.debug("parsedmarc v{0}".format(__version__))

feedback_report_regex = re.compile(r"^([\w\-]+): (.+)$", re.MULTILINE)
xml_header_regex = re.compile(r"^<\?xml .*?>", re.MULTILINE)
xml_schema_regex = re.compile(r"</??xs:schema.*>", re.MULTILINE)
text_report_regex = re.compile(r"\s*([a-zA-Z\s]+):\s(.+)", re.MULTILINE)

MAGIC_ZIP = b"\x50\x4b\x03\x04"
MAGIC_GZIP = b"\x1f\x8b"
MAGIC_XML = b"\x3c\x3f\x78\x6d\x6c\x20"
MAGIC_JSON = b"\7b"

IP_ADDRESS_CACHE = ExpiringDict(max_len=10000, max_age_seconds=14400)
SEEN_AGGREGATE_REPORT_IDS = ExpiringDict(max_len=100000000, max_age_seconds=3600)

[docs]class ParserError(RuntimeError): """Raised whenever the parser fails for some reason"""
[docs]class InvalidDMARCReport(ParserError): """Raised when an invalid DMARC report is encountered"""
[docs]class InvalidSMTPTLSReport(ParserError): """Raised when an invalid SMTP TLS report is encountered"""
[docs]class InvalidAggregateReport(InvalidDMARCReport): """Raised when an invalid DMARC aggregate report is encountered"""
[docs]class InvalidForensicReport(InvalidDMARCReport): """Raised when an invalid DMARC forensic report is encountered"""
def _parse_report_record( record, ip_db_path=None, always_use_local_files=False, reverse_dns_map_path=None, reverse_dns_map_url=None, offline=False, nameservers=None, dns_timeout=2.0, ): """ Converts a record from a DMARC aggregate report into a more consistent format Args: record (OrderedDict): The record to convert always_use_local_files (bool): Do not download files reverse_dns_map_path (str): Path to a reverse DNS map file reverse_dns_map_url (str): URL to a reverse DNS map file ip_db_path (str): Path to a MMDB file from MaxMind or DBIP offline (bool): Do not query online for geolocation or DNS nameservers (list): A list of one or more nameservers to use (Cloudflare's public DNS resolvers by default) dns_timeout (float): Sets the DNS timeout in seconds Returns: OrderedDict: The converted record """ record = record.copy() new_record = OrderedDict() if record["row"]["source_ip"] is None: raise ValueError("Source IP address is empty") new_record_source = get_ip_address_info( record["row"]["source_ip"], cache=IP_ADDRESS_CACHE, ip_db_path=ip_db_path, always_use_local_files=always_use_local_files, reverse_dns_map_path=reverse_dns_map_path, reverse_dns_map_url=reverse_dns_map_url, reverse_dns_map=REVERSE_DNS_MAP, offline=offline, nameservers=nameservers, timeout=dns_timeout, ) new_record["source"] = new_record_source new_record["count"] = int(record["row"]["count"]) policy_evaluated = record["row"]["policy_evaluated"].copy() new_policy_evaluated = OrderedDict( [ ("disposition", "none"), ("dkim", "fail"), ("spf", "fail"), ("policy_override_reasons", []), ] ) if "disposition" in policy_evaluated: new_policy_evaluated["disposition"] = policy_evaluated["disposition"] if new_policy_evaluated["disposition"].strip().lower() == "pass": new_policy_evaluated["disposition"] = "none" if "dkim" in policy_evaluated: new_policy_evaluated["dkim"] = policy_evaluated["dkim"] if "spf" in policy_evaluated: new_policy_evaluated["spf"] = policy_evaluated["spf"] reasons = [] spf_aligned = ( policy_evaluated["spf"] is not None and policy_evaluated["spf"].lower() == "pass" ) dkim_aligned = ( policy_evaluated["dkim"] is not None and policy_evaluated["dkim"].lower() == "pass" ) dmarc_aligned = spf_aligned or dkim_aligned new_record["alignment"] = dict() new_record["alignment"]["spf"] = spf_aligned new_record["alignment"]["dkim"] = dkim_aligned new_record["alignment"]["dmarc"] = dmarc_aligned if "reason" in policy_evaluated: if type(policy_evaluated["reason"]) is list: reasons = policy_evaluated["reason"] else: reasons = [policy_evaluated["reason"]] for reason in reasons: if "comment" not in reason: reason["comment"] = None new_policy_evaluated["policy_override_reasons"] = reasons new_record["policy_evaluated"] = new_policy_evaluated if "identities" in record: new_record["identifiers"] = record["identities"].copy() else: new_record["identifiers"] = record["identifiers"].copy() new_record["auth_results"] = OrderedDict([("dkim", []), ("spf", [])]) if type(new_record["identifiers"]["header_from"]) is str: lowered_from = new_record["identifiers"]["header_from"].lower() else: lowered_from = "" new_record["identifiers"]["header_from"] = lowered_from if isinstance(record["auth_results"], dict): auth_results = record["auth_results"].copy() if "spf" not in auth_results: auth_results["spf"] = [] if "dkim" not in auth_results: auth_results["dkim"] = [] else: auth_results = new_record["auth_results"].copy() if not isinstance(auth_results["dkim"], list): auth_results["dkim"] = [auth_results["dkim"]] for result in auth_results["dkim"]: if "domain" in result and result["domain"] is not None: new_result = OrderedDict([("domain", result["domain"])]) if "selector" in result and result["selector"] is not None: new_result["selector"] = result["selector"] else: new_result["selector"] = "none" if "result" in result and result["result"] is not None: new_result["result"] = result["result"] else: new_result["result"] = "none" new_record["auth_results"]["dkim"].append(new_result) if not isinstance(auth_results["spf"], list): auth_results["spf"] = [auth_results["spf"]] for result in auth_results["spf"]: if "domain" in result and result["domain"] is not None: new_result = OrderedDict([("domain", result["domain"])]) if "scope" in result and result["scope"] is not None: new_result["scope"] = result["scope"] else: new_result["scope"] = "mfrom" if "result" in result and result["result"] is not None: new_result["result"] = result["result"] else: new_result["result"] = "none" new_record["auth_results"]["spf"].append(new_result) if "envelope_from" not in new_record["identifiers"]: envelope_from = None if len(auth_results["spf"]) > 0: spf_result = auth_results["spf"][-1] if "domain" in spf_result: envelope_from = spf_result["domain"] if envelope_from is not None: envelope_from = str(envelope_from).lower() new_record["identifiers"]["envelope_from"] = envelope_from elif new_record["identifiers"]["envelope_from"] is None: if len(auth_results["spf"]) > 0: envelope_from = new_record["auth_results"]["spf"][-1]["domain"] if envelope_from is not None: envelope_from = str(envelope_from).lower() new_record["identifiers"]["envelope_from"] = envelope_from envelope_to = None if "envelope_to" in new_record["identifiers"]: envelope_to = new_record["identifiers"]["envelope_to"] del new_record["identifiers"]["envelope_to"] new_record["identifiers"]["envelope_to"] = envelope_to return new_record def _parse_smtp_tls_failure_details(failure_details): try: new_failure_details = OrderedDict( result_type=failure_details["result-type"], failed_session_count=failure_details["failed-session-count"], ) if "sending-mta-ip" in failure_details: new_failure_details["sending_mta_ip"] = failure_details["sending-mta-ip"] if "receiving-ip" in failure_details: new_failure_details["receiving_ip"] = failure_details["receiving-ip"] if "receiving-mx-hostname" in failure_details: new_failure_details["receiving_mx_hostname"] = failure_details[ "receiving-mx-hostname" ] if "receiving-mx-helo" in failure_details: new_failure_details["receiving_mx_helo"] = failure_details[ "receiving-mx-helo" ] if "additional-info-uri" in failure_details: new_failure_details["additional_info_uri"] = failure_details[ "additional-info-uri" ] if "failure-reason-code" in failure_details: new_failure_details["failure_reason_code"] = failure_details[ "failure-reason-code" ] return new_failure_details except KeyError as e: raise InvalidSMTPTLSReport(f"Missing required failure details field: {e}") except Exception as e: raise InvalidSMTPTLSReport(str(e)) def _parse_smtp_tls_report_policy(policy): policy_types = ["tlsa", "sts", "no-policy-found"] try: policy_domain = policy["policy"]["policy-domain"] policy_type = policy["policy"]["policy-type"] failure_details = [] if policy_type not in policy_types: raise InvalidSMTPTLSReport(f"Invalid policy type {policy_type}") new_policy = OrderedDict(policy_domain=policy_domain, policy_type=policy_type) if "policy-string" in policy["policy"]: if isinstance(policy["policy"]["policy-string"], list): if len(policy["policy"]["policy-string"]) > 0: new_policy["policy_strings"] = policy["policy"]["policy-string"] if "mx-host-pattern" in policy["policy"]: if isinstance(policy["policy"]["mx-host-pattern"], list): if len(policy["policy"]["mx-host-pattern"]) > 0: new_policy["mx_host_patterns"] = policy["policy"]["mx-host-pattern"] new_policy["successful_session_count"] = policy["summary"][ "total-successful-session-count" ] new_policy["failed_session_count"] = policy["summary"][ "total-failure-session-count" ] if "failure-details" in policy: for details in policy["failure-details"]: failure_details.append(_parse_smtp_tls_failure_details(details)) new_policy["failure_details"] = failure_details return new_policy except KeyError as e: raise InvalidSMTPTLSReport(f"Missing required policy field: {e}") except Exception as e: raise InvalidSMTPTLSReport(str(e))
[docs]def parse_smtp_tls_report_json(report): """Parses and validates an SMTP TLS report""" required_fields = [ "organization-name", "date-range", "contact-info", "report-id", "policies", ] try: policies = [] report = json.loads(report) for required_field in required_fields: if required_field not in report: raise Exception(f"Missing required field: {required_field}]") if not isinstance(report["policies"], list): policies_type = type(report["policies"]) raise InvalidSMTPTLSReport(f"policies must be a list, not {policies_type}") for policy in report["policies"]: policies.append(_parse_smtp_tls_report_policy(policy)) new_report = OrderedDict( organization_name=report["organization-name"], begin_date=report["date-range"]["start-datetime"], end_date=report["date-range"]["end-datetime"], contact_info=report["contact-info"], report_id=report["report-id"], policies=policies, ) return new_report except KeyError as e: InvalidSMTPTLSReport(f"Missing required field: {e}") except Exception as e: raise InvalidSMTPTLSReport(str(e))
[docs]def parsed_smtp_tls_reports_to_csv_rows(reports): """Converts one oor more parsed SMTP TLS reports into a list of single layer OrderedDict objects suitable for use in a CSV""" if type(reports) is OrderedDict: reports = [reports] rows = [] for report in reports: common_fields = OrderedDict( organization_name=report["organization_name"], begin_date=report["begin_date"], end_date=report["end_date"], report_id=report["report_id"], ) record = common_fields.copy() for policy in report["policies"]: if "policy_strings" in policy: record["policy_strings"] = "|".join(policy["policy_strings"]) if "mx_host_patterns" in policy: record["mx_host_patterns"] = "|".join(policy["mx_host_patterns"]) successful_record = record.copy() successful_record["successful_session_count"] = policy[ "successful_session_count" ] rows.append(successful_record) if "failure_details" in policy: for failure_details in policy["failure_details"]: failure_record = record.copy() for key in failure_details.keys(): failure_record[key] = failure_details[key] rows.append(failure_record) return rows
[docs]def parsed_smtp_tls_reports_to_csv(reports): """ Converts one or more parsed SMTP TLS reports to flat CSV format, including headers Args: reports: A parsed aggregate report or list of parsed aggregate reports Returns: str: Parsed aggregate report data in flat CSV format, including headers """ fields = [ "organization_name", "begin_date", "end_date", "report_id", "result_type", "successful_session_count", "failed_session_count", "policy_domain", "policy_type", "policy_strings", "mx_host_patterns", "sending_mta_ip", "receiving_ip", "receiving_mx_hostname", "receiving_mx_helo", "additional_info_uri", "failure_reason_code", ] csv_file_object = StringIO(newline="\n") writer = DictWriter(csv_file_object, fields) writer.writeheader() rows = parsed_smtp_tls_reports_to_csv_rows(reports) for row in rows: writer.writerow(row) csv_file_object.flush() return csv_file_object.getvalue()
[docs]def parse_aggregate_report_xml( xml, ip_db_path=None, always_use_local_files=False, reverse_dns_map_path=None, reverse_dns_map_url=None, offline=False, nameservers=None, timeout=2.0, keep_alive=None, ): """Parses a DMARC XML report string and returns a consistent OrderedDict Args: xml (str): A string of DMARC aggregate report XML ip_db_path (str): Path to a MMDB file from MaxMind or DBIP always_use_local_files (bool): Do not download files reverse_dns_map_path (str): Path to a reverse DNS map file reverse_dns_map_url (str): URL to a reverse DNS map file offline (bool): Do not query online for geolocation or DNS nameservers (list): A list of one or more nameservers to use (Cloudflare's public DNS resolvers by default) timeout (float): Sets the DNS timeout in seconds keep_alive (callable): Keep alive function Returns: OrderedDict: The parsed aggregate DMARC report """ errors = [] # Parse XML and recover from errors if isinstance(xml, bytes): xml = xml.decode(errors="ignore") try: xmltodict.parse(xml)["feedback"] except Exception as e: errors.append("Invalid XML: {0}".format(e.__str__())) try: tree = etree.parse( BytesIO(xml.encode("utf-8")), etree.XMLParser(recover=True, resolve_entities=False), ) s = etree.tostring(tree) xml = "" if s is None else s.decode("utf-8") except Exception: xml = "<a/>" try: # Replace XML header (sometimes they are invalid) xml = xml_header_regex.sub('<?xml version="1.0"?>', xml) # Remove invalid schema tags xml = xml_schema_regex.sub("", xml) report = xmltodict.parse(xml)["feedback"] report_metadata = report["report_metadata"] schema = "draft" if "version" in report: schema = report["version"] new_report = OrderedDict([("xml_schema", schema)]) new_report_metadata = OrderedDict() if report_metadata["org_name"] is None: if report_metadata["email"] is not None: report_metadata["org_name"] = report_metadata["email"].split("@")[-1] org_name = report_metadata["org_name"] if org_name is not None and " " not in org_name: new_org_name = get_base_domain(org_name) if new_org_name is not None: org_name = new_org_name if not org_name: logger.debug( "Could not parse org_name from XML.\r\n{0}".format(report.__str__()) ) raise KeyError( "Organization name is missing. \ This field is a requirement for \ saving the report" ) new_report_metadata["org_name"] = org_name new_report_metadata["org_email"] = report_metadata["email"] extra = None if "extra_contact_info" in report_metadata: extra = report_metadata["extra_contact_info"] new_report_metadata["org_extra_contact_info"] = extra new_report_metadata["report_id"] = report_metadata["report_id"] report_id = new_report_metadata["report_id"] report_id = report_id.replace("<", "").replace(">", "").split("@")[0] new_report_metadata["report_id"] = report_id date_range = report["report_metadata"]["date_range"] if int(date_range["end"]) - int(date_range["begin"]) > 2 * 86400: _error = "Time span > 24 hours - RFC 7489 section 7.2" raise InvalidAggregateReport(_error) date_range["begin"] = timestamp_to_human(date_range["begin"]) date_range["end"] = timestamp_to_human(date_range["end"]) new_report_metadata["begin_date"] = date_range["begin"] new_report_metadata["end_date"] = date_range["end"] if "error" in report["report_metadata"]: if not isinstance(report["report_metadata"]["error"], list): errors = [report["report_metadata"]["error"]] else: errors = report["report_metadata"]["error"] new_report_metadata["errors"] = errors new_report["report_metadata"] = new_report_metadata records = [] policy_published = report["policy_published"] if type(policy_published) is list: policy_published = policy_published[0] new_policy_published = OrderedDict() new_policy_published["domain"] = policy_published["domain"] adkim = "r" if "adkim" in policy_published: if policy_published["adkim"] is not None: adkim = policy_published["adkim"] new_policy_published["adkim"] = adkim aspf = "r" if "aspf" in policy_published: if policy_published["aspf"] is not None: aspf = policy_published["aspf"] new_policy_published["aspf"] = aspf new_policy_published["p"] = policy_published["p"] sp = new_policy_published["p"] if "sp" in policy_published: if policy_published["sp"] is not None: sp = policy_published["sp"] new_policy_published["sp"] = sp pct = "100" if "pct" in policy_published: if policy_published["pct"] is not None: pct = policy_published["pct"] new_policy_published["pct"] = pct fo = "0" if "fo" in policy_published: if policy_published["fo"] is not None: fo = policy_published["fo"] new_policy_published["fo"] = fo new_report["policy_published"] = new_policy_published if type(report["record"]) is list: for i in range(len(report["record"])): if keep_alive is not None and i > 0 and i % 20 == 0: logger.debug("Sending keepalive cmd") keep_alive() logger.debug("Processed {0}/{1}".format(i, len(report["record"]))) try: report_record = _parse_report_record( report["record"][i], ip_db_path=ip_db_path, offline=offline, always_use_local_files=always_use_local_files, reverse_dns_map_path=reverse_dns_map_path, reverse_dns_map_url=reverse_dns_map_url, nameservers=nameservers, dns_timeout=timeout, ) records.append(report_record) except Exception as e: logger.warning("Could not parse record: {0}".format(e)) else: report_record = _parse_report_record( report["record"], ip_db_path=ip_db_path, always_use_local_files=always_use_local_files, reverse_dns_map_path=reverse_dns_map_path, reverse_dns_map_url=reverse_dns_map_url, offline=offline, nameservers=nameservers, dns_timeout=timeout, ) records.append(report_record) new_report["records"] = records return new_report except expat.ExpatError as error: raise InvalidAggregateReport("Invalid XML: {0}".format(error.__str__())) except KeyError as error: raise InvalidAggregateReport("Missing field: {0}".format(error.__str__())) except AttributeError: raise InvalidAggregateReport("Report missing required section") except Exception as error: raise InvalidAggregateReport("Unexpected error: {0}".format(error.__str__()))
[docs]def extract_report(content): """ Extracts text from a zip or gzip file, as a base64-encoded string, file-like object, or bytes. Args: content: report file as a base64-encoded string, file-like object or bytes. Returns: str: The extracted text """ file_object = None try: if isinstance(content, str): try: file_object = BytesIO(b64decode(content)) except binascii.Error: pass if file_object is None: file_object = open(content, "rb") elif type(content) is bytes: file_object = BytesIO(content) else: file_object = content header = if header.startswith(MAGIC_ZIP): _zip = zipfile.ZipFile(file_object) report =[0]).read().decode(errors="ignore") elif header.startswith(MAGIC_GZIP): report = zlib.decompress(, zlib.MAX_WBITS | 16).decode( errors="ignore" ) elif header.startswith(MAGIC_XML) or header.startswith(MAGIC_JSON): report ="ignore") else: file_object.close() raise ParserError("Not a valid zip, gzip, json, or xml file") file_object.close() except UnicodeDecodeError: file_object.close() raise ParserError("File objects must be opened in binary (rb) mode") except Exception as error: file_object.close() raise ParserError("Invalid archive file: {0}".format(error.__str__())) return report
[docs]def extract_report_from_file_path(file_path): """Extracts report from a file at the given file_path""" try: with open(file_path, "rb") as report_file: return extract_report( except FileNotFoundError: raise ParserError("File was not found")
[docs]def parse_aggregate_report_file( _input, offline=False, always_use_local_files=None, reverse_dns_map_path=None, reverse_dns_map_url=None, ip_db_path=None, nameservers=None, dns_timeout=2.0, keep_alive=None, ): """Parses a file at the given path, a file-like object. or bytes as an aggregate DMARC report Args: _input: A path to a file, a file like object, or bytes offline (bool): Do not query online for geolocation or DNS always_use_local_files (bool): Do not download files reverse_dns_map_path (str): Path to a reverse DNS map file reverse_dns_map_url (str): URL to a reverse DNS map file ip_db_path (str): Path to a MMDB file from MaxMind or DBIP nameservers (list): A list of one or more nameservers to use (Cloudflare's public DNS resolvers by default) dns_timeout (float): Sets the DNS timeout in seconds keep_alive (callable): Keep alive function Returns: OrderedDict: The parsed DMARC aggregate report """ try: xml = extract_report(_input) except Exception as e: raise InvalidAggregateReport(e) return parse_aggregate_report_xml( xml, always_use_local_files=always_use_local_files, reverse_dns_map_path=reverse_dns_map_path, reverse_dns_map_url=reverse_dns_map_url, ip_db_path=ip_db_path, offline=offline, nameservers=nameservers, timeout=dns_timeout, keep_alive=keep_alive, )
[docs]def parsed_aggregate_reports_to_csv_rows(reports): """ Converts one or more parsed aggregate reports to list of dicts in flat CSV format Args: reports: A parsed aggregate report or list of parsed aggregate reports Returns: list: Parsed aggregate report data as a list of dicts in flat CSV format """ def to_str(obj): return str(obj).lower() if type(reports) is OrderedDict: reports = [reports] rows = [] for report in reports: xml_schema = report["xml_schema"] org_name = report["report_metadata"]["org_name"] org_email = report["report_metadata"]["org_email"] org_extra_contact = report["report_metadata"]["org_extra_contact_info"] report_id = report["report_metadata"]["report_id"] begin_date = report["report_metadata"]["begin_date"] end_date = report["report_metadata"]["end_date"] errors = "|".join(report["report_metadata"]["errors"]) domain = report["policy_published"]["domain"] adkim = report["policy_published"]["adkim"] aspf = report["policy_published"]["aspf"] p = report["policy_published"]["p"] sp = report["policy_published"]["sp"] pct = report["policy_published"]["pct"] fo = report["policy_published"]["fo"] report_dict = dict( xml_schema=xml_schema, org_name=org_name, org_email=org_email, org_extra_contact_info=org_extra_contact, report_id=report_id, begin_date=begin_date, end_date=end_date, errors=errors, domain=domain, adkim=adkim, aspf=aspf, p=p, sp=sp, pct=pct, fo=fo, ) for record in report["records"]: row = report_dict.copy() row["source_ip_address"] = record["source"]["ip_address"] row["source_country"] = record["source"]["country"] row["source_reverse_dns"] = record["source"]["reverse_dns"] row["source_base_domain"] = record["source"]["base_domain"] row["source_name"] = record["source"]["name"] row["source_type"] = record["source"]["type"] row["count"] = record["count"] row["spf_aligned"] = record["alignment"]["spf"] row["dkim_aligned"] = record["alignment"]["dkim"] row["dmarc_aligned"] = record["alignment"]["dmarc"] row["disposition"] = record["policy_evaluated"]["disposition"] policy_override_reasons = list( map( lambda r_: r_["type"] or "none", record["policy_evaluated"]["policy_override_reasons"], ) ) policy_override_comments = list( map( lambda r_: r_["comment"] or "none", record["policy_evaluated"]["policy_override_reasons"], ) ) row["policy_override_reasons"] = ",".join(policy_override_reasons) row["policy_override_comments"] = "|".join(policy_override_comments) row["envelope_from"] = record["identifiers"]["envelope_from"] row["header_from"] = record["identifiers"]["header_from"] envelope_to = record["identifiers"]["envelope_to"] row["envelope_to"] = envelope_to dkim_domains = [] dkim_selectors = [] dkim_results = [] for dkim_result in record["auth_results"]["dkim"]: dkim_domains.append(dkim_result["domain"]) if "selector" in dkim_result: dkim_selectors.append(dkim_result["selector"]) dkim_results.append(dkim_result["result"]) row["dkim_domains"] = ",".join(map(to_str, dkim_domains)) row["dkim_selectors"] = ",".join(map(to_str, dkim_selectors)) row["dkim_results"] = ",".join(map(to_str, dkim_results)) spf_domains = [] spf_scopes = [] spf_results = [] for spf_result in record["auth_results"]["spf"]: spf_domains.append(spf_result["domain"]) spf_scopes.append(spf_result["scope"]) spf_results.append(spf_result["result"]) row["spf_domains"] = ",".join(map(to_str, spf_domains)) row["spf_scopes"] = ",".join(map(to_str, spf_scopes)) row["spf_results"] = ",".join(map(to_str, spf_results)) rows.append(row) for r in rows: for k, v in r.items(): if type(v) not in [str, int, bool]: r[k] = "" return rows
[docs]def parsed_aggregate_reports_to_csv(reports): """ Converts one or more parsed aggregate reports to flat CSV format, including headers Args: reports: A parsed aggregate report or list of parsed aggregate reports Returns: str: Parsed aggregate report data in flat CSV format, including headers """ fields = [ "xml_schema", "org_name", "org_email", "org_extra_contact_info", "report_id", "begin_date", "end_date", "errors", "domain", "adkim", "aspf", "p", "sp", "pct", "fo", "source_ip_address", "source_country", "source_reverse_dns", "source_base_domain", "source_name", "source_type", "count", "spf_aligned", "dkim_aligned", "dmarc_aligned", "disposition", "policy_override_reasons", "policy_override_comments", "envelope_from", "header_from", "envelope_to", "dkim_domains", "dkim_selectors", "dkim_results", "spf_domains", "spf_scopes", "spf_results", ] csv_file_object = StringIO(newline="\n") writer = DictWriter(csv_file_object, fields) writer.writeheader() rows = parsed_aggregate_reports_to_csv_rows(reports) for row in rows: writer.writerow(row) csv_file_object.flush() return csv_file_object.getvalue()
[docs]def parse_forensic_report( feedback_report, sample, msg_date, always_use_local_files=False, reverse_dns_map_path=None, reverse_dns_map_url=None, offline=False, ip_db_path=None, nameservers=None, dns_timeout=2.0, strip_attachment_payloads=False, ): """ Converts a DMARC forensic report and sample to a ``OrderedDict`` Args: feedback_report (str): A message's feedback report as a string sample (str): The RFC 822 headers or RFC 822 message sample ip_db_path (str): Path to a MMDB file from MaxMind or DBIP always_use_local_files (bool): Do not download files reverse_dns_map_path (str): Path to a reverse DNS map file reverse_dns_map_url (str): URL to a reverse DNS map file offline (bool): Do not query online for geolocation or DNS msg_date (str): The message's date header nameservers (list): A list of one or more nameservers to use (Cloudflare's public DNS resolvers by default) dns_timeout (float): Sets the DNS timeout in seconds strip_attachment_payloads (bool): Remove attachment payloads from forensic report results Returns: OrderedDict: A parsed report and sample """ delivery_results = ["delivered", "spam", "policy", "reject", "other"] try: parsed_report = OrderedDict() report_values = feedback_report_regex.findall(feedback_report) for report_value in report_values: key = report_value[0].lower().replace("-", "_") parsed_report[key] = report_value[1] if "arrival_date" not in parsed_report: if msg_date is None: raise InvalidForensicReport("Forensic sample is not a valid email") parsed_report["arrival_date"] = msg_date.isoformat() if "version" not in parsed_report: parsed_report["version"] = None if "user_agent" not in parsed_report: parsed_report["user_agent"] = None if "delivery_result" not in parsed_report: parsed_report["delivery_result"] = None else: for delivery_result in delivery_results: if delivery_result in parsed_report["delivery_result"].lower(): parsed_report["delivery_result"] = delivery_result break if parsed_report["delivery_result"] not in delivery_results: parsed_report["delivery_result"] = "other" arrival_utc = human_timestamp_to_datetime( parsed_report["arrival_date"], to_utc=True ) arrival_utc = arrival_utc.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") parsed_report["arrival_date_utc"] = arrival_utc ip_address = re.split(r"\s", parsed_report["source_ip"]).pop(0) parsed_report_source = get_ip_address_info( ip_address, cache=IP_ADDRESS_CACHE, ip_db_path=ip_db_path, always_use_local_files=always_use_local_files, reverse_dns_map_path=reverse_dns_map_path, reverse_dns_map_url=reverse_dns_map_url, reverse_dns_map=REVERSE_DNS_MAP, offline=offline, nameservers=nameservers, timeout=dns_timeout, ) parsed_report["source"] = parsed_report_source del parsed_report["source_ip"] if "identity_alignment" not in parsed_report: parsed_report["authentication_mechanisms"] = [] elif parsed_report["identity_alignment"] == "none": parsed_report["authentication_mechanisms"] = [] del parsed_report["identity_alignment"] else: auth_mechanisms = parsed_report["identity_alignment"] auth_mechanisms = auth_mechanisms.split(",") parsed_report["authentication_mechanisms"] = auth_mechanisms del parsed_report["identity_alignment"] if "auth_failure" not in parsed_report: parsed_report["auth_failure"] = "dmarc" auth_failure = parsed_report["auth_failure"].split(",") parsed_report["auth_failure"] = auth_failure optional_fields = [ "original_envelope_id", "dkim_domain", "original_mail_from", "original_rcpt_to", ] for optional_field in optional_fields: if optional_field not in parsed_report: parsed_report[optional_field] = None parsed_sample = parse_email( sample, strip_attachment_payloads=strip_attachment_payloads ) if "reported_domain" not in parsed_report: parsed_report["reported_domain"] = parsed_sample["from"]["domain"] sample_headers_only = False number_of_attachments = len(parsed_sample["attachments"]) if number_of_attachments < 1 and parsed_sample["body"] is None: sample_headers_only = True if sample_headers_only and parsed_sample["has_defects"]: del parsed_sample["defects"] del parsed_sample["defects_categories"] del parsed_sample["has_defects"] parsed_report["sample_headers_only"] = sample_headers_only parsed_report["sample"] = sample parsed_report["parsed_sample"] = parsed_sample return parsed_report except KeyError as error: raise InvalidForensicReport("Missing value: {0}".format(error.__str__())) except Exception as error: raise InvalidForensicReport("Unexpected error: {0}".format(error.__str__()))
[docs]def parsed_forensic_reports_to_csv_rows(reports): """ Converts one or more parsed forensic reports to a list of dicts in flat CSV format Args: reports: A parsed forensic report or list of parsed forensic reports Returns: list: Parsed forensic report data as a list of dicts in flat CSV format """ if type(reports) is OrderedDict: reports = [reports] rows = [] for report in reports: row = report.copy() row["source_ip_address"] = report["source"]["ip_address"] row["source_reverse_dns"] = report["source"]["reverse_dns"] row["source_base_domain"] = report["source"]["base_domain"] row["source_name"] = report["source"]["name"] row["source_type"] = report["source"]["type"] row["source_country"] = report["source"]["country"] del row["source"] row["subject"] = report["parsed_sample"]["subject"] row["auth_failure"] = ",".join(report["auth_failure"]) authentication_mechanisms = report["authentication_mechanisms"] row["authentication_mechanisms"] = ",".join(authentication_mechanisms) del row["sample"] del row["parsed_sample"] rows.append(row) return rows
[docs]def parsed_forensic_reports_to_csv(reports): """ Converts one or more parsed forensic reports to flat CSV format, including headers Args: reports: A parsed forensic report or list of parsed forensic reports Returns: str: Parsed forensic report data in flat CSV format, including headers """ fields = [ "feedback_type", "user_agent", "version", "original_envelope_id", "original_mail_from", "original_rcpt_to", "arrival_date", "arrival_date_utc", "subject", "message_id", "authentication_results", "dkim_domain", "source_ip_address", "source_country", "source_reverse_dns", "source_base_domain", "source_name", "source_type", "delivery_result", "auth_failure", "reported_domain", "authentication_mechanisms", "sample_headers_only", ] csv_file = StringIO() csv_writer = DictWriter(csv_file, fieldnames=fields) csv_writer.writeheader() rows = parsed_forensic_reports_to_csv_rows(reports) for row in rows: new_row = {} for key in new_row.keys(): new_row[key] = row[key] csv_writer.writerow(new_row) return csv_file.getvalue()
[docs]def parse_report_email( input_, offline=False, ip_db_path=None, always_use_local_files=False, reverse_dns_map_path=None, reverse_dns_map_url=None, nameservers=None, dns_timeout=2.0, strip_attachment_payloads=False, keep_alive=None, ): """ Parses a DMARC report from an email Args: input_: An emailed DMARC report in RFC 822 format, as bytes or a string ip_db_path (str): Path to a MMDB file from MaxMind or DBIP always_use_local_files (bool): Do not download files reverse_dns_map_path (str): Path to a reverse DNS map reverse_dns_map_url (str): URL to a reverse DNS map offline (bool): Do not query online for geolocation on DNS nameservers (list): A list of one or more nameservers to use dns_timeout (float): Sets the DNS timeout in seconds strip_attachment_payloads (bool): Remove attachment payloads from forensic report results keep_alive (callable): keep alive function Returns: OrderedDict: * ``report_type``: ``aggregate`` or ``forensic`` * ``report``: The parsed report """ result = None try: if is_outlook_msg(input_): input_ = convert_outlook_msg(input_) if type(input_) is bytes: input_ = input_.decode(encoding="utf8", errors="replace") msg = mailparser.parse_from_string(input_) msg_headers = json.loads(msg.headers_json) date = email.utils.format_datetime(datetime.utcnow()) if "Date" in msg_headers: date = human_timestamp_to_datetime(msg_headers["Date"]) msg = email.message_from_string(input_) except Exception as e: raise ParserError(e.__str__()) subject = None feedback_report = None smtp_tls_report = None sample = None if "From" in msg_headers:"Parsing mail from {0} on {1}".format(msg_headers["From"], date)) if "Subject" in msg_headers: subject = msg_headers["Subject"] for part in msg.walk(): content_type = part.get_content_type() payload = part.get_payload() if not isinstance(payload, list): payload = [payload] payload = payload[0].__str__() if content_type == "message/feedback-report": try: if "Feedback-Type" in payload: feedback_report = payload else: feedback_report = b64decode(payload).__str__() feedback_report = feedback_report.lstrip("b'").rstrip("'") feedback_report = feedback_report.replace("\\r", "") feedback_report = feedback_report.replace("\\n", "\n") except (ValueError, TypeError, binascii.Error): feedback_report = payload elif content_type == "text/rfc822-headers": sample = payload elif content_type == "message/rfc822": sample = payload elif content_type == "application/tlsrpt+json": if "{" not in payload: payload = str(b64decode(payload)) smtp_tls_report = parse_smtp_tls_report_json(payload) return OrderedDict( [("report_type", "smtp_tls"), ("report", smtp_tls_report)] ) elif content_type == "application/tlsrpt+gzip": payload = extract_report(payload) smtp_tls_report = parse_smtp_tls_report_json(payload) return OrderedDict( [("report_type", "smtp_tls"), ("report", smtp_tls_report)] ) elif content_type == "text/plain": if "A message claiming to be from you has failed" in payload: try: parts = payload.split("detected.", 1) field_matches = text_report_regex.findall(parts[0]) fields = dict() for match in field_matches: field_name = match[0].lower().replace(" ", "-") fields[field_name] = match[1].strip() feedback_report = "Arrival-Date: {}\nSource-IP: {}".format( fields["received-date"], fields["sender-ip-address"] ) except Exception as e: error = 'Unable to parse message with subject "{0}": {1}'.format( subject, e ) raise InvalidDMARCReport(error) sample = parts[1].lstrip() logger.debug(sample) else: try: payload = b64decode(payload) if payload.startswith(MAGIC_ZIP) or payload.startswith(MAGIC_GZIP): payload = extract_report(payload) ns = nameservers if payload.startswith("{"): smtp_tls_report = parse_smtp_tls_report_json(payload) result = OrderedDict( [("report_type", "smtp_tls"), ("report", smtp_tls_report)] ) return result aggregate_report = parse_aggregate_report_xml( payload, ip_db_path=ip_db_path, always_use_local_files=always_use_local_files, reverse_dns_map_path=reverse_dns_map_path, reverse_dns_map_url=reverse_dns_map_url, offline=offline, nameservers=ns, timeout=dns_timeout, keep_alive=keep_alive, ) result = OrderedDict( [("report_type", "aggregate"), ("report", aggregate_report)] ) return result except (TypeError, ValueError, binascii.Error): pass except InvalidAggregateReport as e: error = ( 'Message with subject "{0}" ' "is not a valid " "aggregate DMARC report: {1}".format(subject, e) ) raise InvalidDMARCReport(error) except Exception as e: error = 'Unable to parse message with subject "{0}": {1}'.format( subject, e ) raise ParserError(error) if feedback_report and sample: try: forensic_report = parse_forensic_report( feedback_report, sample, date, offline=offline, ip_db_path=ip_db_path, always_use_local_files=always_use_local_files, reverse_dns_map_path=reverse_dns_map_path, reverse_dns_map_url=reverse_dns_map_url, nameservers=nameservers, dns_timeout=dns_timeout, strip_attachment_payloads=strip_attachment_payloads, ) except InvalidForensicReport as e: error = ( 'Message with subject "{0}" ' "is not a valid " "forensic DMARC report: {1}".format(subject, e) ) raise InvalidForensicReport(error) except Exception as e: raise InvalidForensicReport(e.__str__()) result = OrderedDict([("report_type", "forensic"), ("report", forensic_report)]) return result if result is None: error = 'Message with subject "{0}" is not a valid report'.format(subject) raise InvalidDMARCReport(error)
[docs]def parse_report_file( input_, nameservers=None, dns_timeout=2.0, strip_attachment_payloads=False, ip_db_path=None, always_use_local_files=False, reverse_dns_map_path=None, reverse_dns_map_url=None, offline=False, keep_alive=None, ): """Parses a DMARC aggregate or forensic file at the given path, a file-like object. or bytes Args: input_: A path to a file, a file like object, or bytes nameservers (list): A list of one or more nameservers to use (Cloudflare's public DNS resolvers by default) dns_timeout (float): Sets the DNS timeout in seconds strip_attachment_payloads (bool): Remove attachment payloads from forensic report results ip_db_path (str): Path to a MMDB file from MaxMind or DBIP always_use_local_files (bool): Do not download files reverse_dns_map_path (str): Path to a reverse DNS map reverse_dns_map_url (str): URL to a reverse DNS map offline (bool): Do not make online queries for geolocation or DNS keep_alive (callable): Keep alive function Returns: OrderedDict: The parsed DMARC report """ if type(input_) is str: logger.debug("Parsing {0}".format(input_)) file_object = open(input_, "rb") elif type(input_) is bytes: file_object = BytesIO(input_) else: file_object = input_ content = file_object.close() try: report = parse_aggregate_report_file( content, ip_db_path=ip_db_path, always_use_local_files=always_use_local_files, reverse_dns_map_path=reverse_dns_map_path, reverse_dns_map_url=reverse_dns_map_url, offline=offline, nameservers=nameservers, dns_timeout=dns_timeout, keep_alive=keep_alive, ) results = OrderedDict([("report_type", "aggregate"), ("report", report)]) except InvalidAggregateReport: try: report = parse_smtp_tls_report_json(content) results = OrderedDict([("report_type", "smtp_tls"), ("report", report)]) except InvalidSMTPTLSReport: try: sa = strip_attachment_payloads results = parse_report_email( content, ip_db_path=ip_db_path, always_use_local_files=always_use_local_files, reverse_dns_map_path=reverse_dns_map_path, reverse_dns_map_url=reverse_dns_map_url, offline=offline, nameservers=nameservers, dns_timeout=dns_timeout, strip_attachment_payloads=sa, keep_alive=keep_alive, ) except InvalidDMARCReport: raise ParserError("Not a valid report") return results
[docs]def get_dmarc_reports_from_mbox( input_, nameservers=None, dns_timeout=2.0, strip_attachment_payloads=False, ip_db_path=None, always_use_local_files=False, reverse_dns_map_path=None, reverse_dns_map_url=None, offline=False, ): """Parses a mailbox in mbox format containing e-mails with attached DMARC reports Args: input_: A path to a mbox file nameservers (list): A list of one or more nameservers to use (Cloudflare's public DNS resolvers by default) dns_timeout (float): Sets the DNS timeout in seconds strip_attachment_payloads (bool): Remove attachment payloads from forensic report results always_use_local_files (bool): Do not download files reverse_dns_map_path (str): Path to a reverse DNS map file reverse_dns_map_url (str): URL to a reverse DNS map file ip_db_path (str): Path to a MMDB file from MaxMind or DBIP offline (bool): Do not make online queries for geolocation or DNS Returns: OrderedDict: Lists of ``aggregate_reports`` and ``forensic_reports`` """ aggregate_reports = [] forensic_reports = [] smtp_tls_reports = [] try: mbox = mailbox.mbox(input_) message_keys = mbox.keys() total_messages = len(message_keys) logger.debug("Found {0} messages in {1}".format(total_messages, input_)) for i in range(len(message_keys)): message_key = message_keys[i]"Processing message {0} of {1}".format(i + 1, total_messages)) msg_content = mbox.get_string(message_key) try: sa = strip_attachment_payloads parsed_email = parse_report_email( msg_content, ip_db_path=ip_db_path, always_use_local_files=always_use_local_files, reverse_dns_map_path=reverse_dns_map_path, reverse_dns_map_url=reverse_dns_map_url, offline=offline, nameservers=nameservers, dns_timeout=dns_timeout, strip_attachment_payloads=sa, ) if parsed_email["report_type"] == "aggregate": report_org = parsed_email["report"]["report_metadata"]["org_name"] report_id = parsed_email["report"]["report_metadata"]["report_id"] report_key = f"{report_org}_{report_id}" if report_key not in SEEN_AGGREGATE_REPORT_IDS: SEEN_AGGREGATE_REPORT_IDS[report_key] = True aggregate_reports.append(parsed_email["report"]) else: logger.debug( "Skipping duplicate aggregate report " f"from {report_org} with ID: {report_id}" ) elif parsed_email["report_type"] == "forensic": forensic_reports.append(parsed_email["report"]) elif parsed_email["report_type"] == "smtp_tls": smtp_tls_reports.append(parsed_email["report"]) except InvalidDMARCReport as error: logger.warning(error.__str__()) except mailbox.NoSuchMailboxError: raise InvalidDMARCReport("Mailbox {0} does not exist".format(input_)) return OrderedDict( [ ("aggregate_reports", aggregate_reports), ("forensic_reports", forensic_reports), ("smtp_tls_reports", smtp_tls_reports), ] )
[docs]def get_dmarc_reports_from_mailbox( connection: MailboxConnection, reports_folder="INBOX", archive_folder="Archive", delete=False, test=False, ip_db_path=None, always_use_local_files=False, reverse_dns_map_path=None, reverse_dns_map_url=None, offline=False, nameservers=None, dns_timeout=6.0, strip_attachment_payloads=False, results=None, batch_size=10, since=None, create_folders=True, ): """ Fetches and parses DMARC reports from a mailbox Args: connection: A Mailbox connection object reports_folder: The folder where reports can be found archive_folder: The folder to move processed mail to delete (bool): Delete messages after processing them test (bool): Do not move or delete messages after processing them ip_db_path (str): Path to a MMDB file from MaxMind or DBIP always_use_local_files (bool): Do not download files reverse_dns_map_path (str): Path to a reverse DNS map file reverse_dns_map_url (str): URL to a reverse DNS map file offline (bool): Do not query online for geolocation or DNS nameservers (list): A list of DNS nameservers to query dns_timeout (float): Set the DNS query timeout strip_attachment_payloads (bool): Remove attachment payloads from forensic report results results (dict): Results from the previous run batch_size (int): Number of messages to read and process before saving (use 0 for no limit) since: Search for messages since certain time (units - {"m":"minutes", "h":"hours", "d":"days", "w":"weeks"}) create_folders (bool): Whether to create the destination folders (not used in watch) Returns: OrderedDict: Lists of ``aggregate_reports`` and ``forensic_reports`` """ if delete and test: raise ValueError("delete and test options are mutually exclusive") if connection is None: raise ValueError("Must supply a connection") # current_time useful to fetch_messages later in the program current_time = None aggregate_reports = [] forensic_reports = [] smtp_tls_reports = [] aggregate_report_msg_uids = [] forensic_report_msg_uids = [] smtp_tls_msg_uids = [] aggregate_reports_folder = "{0}/Aggregate".format(archive_folder) forensic_reports_folder = "{0}/Forensic".format(archive_folder) smtp_tls_reports_folder = "{0}/SMTP-TLS".format(archive_folder) invalid_reports_folder = "{0}/Invalid".format(archive_folder) if results: aggregate_reports = results["aggregate_reports"].copy() forensic_reports = results["forensic_reports"].copy() smtp_tls_reports = results["smtp_tls_reports"].copy() if not test and create_folders: connection.create_folder(archive_folder) connection.create_folder(aggregate_reports_folder) connection.create_folder(forensic_reports_folder) connection.create_folder(smtp_tls_reports_folder) connection.create_folder(invalid_reports_folder) if since: _since = 1440 # default one day if re.match(r"\d+[mhd]$", since): s = re.split(r"(\d+)", since) if s[2] == "m": _since = int(s[1]) elif s[2] == "h": _since = int(s[1]) * 60 elif s[2] == "d": _since = int(s[1]) * 60 * 24 elif s[2] == "w": _since = int(s[1]) * 60 * 24 * 7 else: logger.warning( "Incorrect format for 'since' option. \ Provided value:{0}, Expected values:(5m|3h|2d|1w). \ Ignoring option, fetching messages for last 24hrs" "SMTP does not support a time or timezone in since." "See".format(since) ) if isinstance(connection, IMAPConnection): logger.debug( "Only days and weeks values in 'since' option are \ considered for IMAP conections. Examples: 2d or 1w" ) since = (datetime.utcnow() - timedelta(minutes=_since)).date() current_time = datetime.utcnow().date() elif isinstance(connection, MSGraphConnection): since = (datetime.utcnow() - timedelta(minutes=_since)).isoformat() + "Z" current_time = datetime.utcnow().isoformat() + "Z" elif isinstance(connection, GmailConnection): since = (datetime.utcnow() - timedelta(minutes=_since)).strftime("%s") current_time = datetime.utcnow().strftime("%s") else: pass messages = connection.fetch_messages( reports_folder, batch_size=batch_size, since=since ) total_messages = len(messages) logger.debug("Found {0} messages in {1}".format(len(messages), reports_folder)) if batch_size and not since: message_limit = min(total_messages, batch_size) else: message_limit = total_messages logger.debug("Processing {0} messages".format(message_limit)) for i in range(message_limit): msg_uid = messages[i] logger.debug( "Processing message {0} of {1}: UID {2}".format( i + 1, message_limit, msg_uid ) ) if isinstance(mailbox, MSGraphConnection): if test: msg_content = connection.fetch_message(msg_uid, mark_read=False) else: msg_content = connection.fetch_message(msg_uid, mark_read=True) else: msg_content = connection.fetch_message(msg_uid) try: sa = strip_attachment_payloads parsed_email = parse_report_email( msg_content, nameservers=nameservers, dns_timeout=dns_timeout, ip_db_path=ip_db_path, always_use_local_files=always_use_local_files, reverse_dns_map_path=reverse_dns_map_path, reverse_dns_map_url=reverse_dns_map_url, offline=offline, strip_attachment_payloads=sa, keep_alive=connection.keepalive, ) if parsed_email["report_type"] == "aggregate": report_org = parsed_email["report"]["report_metadata"]["org_name"] report_id = parsed_email["report"]["report_metadata"]["report_id"] report_key = f"{report_org}_{report_id}" if report_key not in SEEN_AGGREGATE_REPORT_IDS: SEEN_AGGREGATE_REPORT_IDS[report_key] = True aggregate_reports.append(parsed_email["report"]) else: logger.debug( f"Skipping duplicate aggregate report with ID: {report_id}" ) aggregate_report_msg_uids.append(msg_uid) elif parsed_email["report_type"] == "forensic": forensic_reports.append(parsed_email["report"]) forensic_report_msg_uids.append(msg_uid) elif parsed_email["report_type"] == "smtp_tls": smtp_tls_reports.append(parsed_email["report"]) smtp_tls_msg_uids.append(msg_uid) except ParserError as error: logger.warning(error.__str__()) if not test: if delete: logger.debug("Deleting message UID {0}".format(msg_uid)) connection.delete_message(msg_uid) else: logger.debug( "Moving message UID {0} to {1}".format( msg_uid, invalid_reports_folder ) ) connection.move_message(msg_uid, invalid_reports_folder) if not test: if delete: processed_messages = ( aggregate_report_msg_uids + forensic_report_msg_uids + smtp_tls_msg_uids ) number_of_processed_msgs = len(processed_messages) for i in range(number_of_processed_msgs): msg_uid = processed_messages[i] logger.debug( "Deleting message {0} of {1}: UID {2}".format( i + 1, number_of_processed_msgs, msg_uid ) ) try: connection.delete_message(msg_uid) except Exception as e: message = "Error deleting message UID" e = "{0} {1}: {2}".format(message, msg_uid, e) logger.error("Mailbox error: {0}".format(e)) else: if len(aggregate_report_msg_uids) > 0: log_message = "Moving aggregate report messages from" logger.debug( "{0} {1} to {2}".format( log_message, reports_folder, aggregate_reports_folder ) ) number_of_agg_report_msgs = len(aggregate_report_msg_uids) for i in range(number_of_agg_report_msgs): msg_uid = aggregate_report_msg_uids[i] logger.debug( "Moving message {0} of {1}: UID {2}".format( i + 1, number_of_agg_report_msgs, msg_uid ) ) try: connection.move_message(msg_uid, aggregate_reports_folder) except Exception as e: message = "Error moving message UID" e = "{0} {1}: {2}".format(message, msg_uid, e) logger.error("Mailbox error: {0}".format(e)) if len(forensic_report_msg_uids) > 0: message = "Moving forensic report messages from" logger.debug( "{0} {1} to {2}".format( message, reports_folder, forensic_reports_folder ) ) number_of_forensic_msgs = len(forensic_report_msg_uids) for i in range(number_of_forensic_msgs): msg_uid = forensic_report_msg_uids[i] message = "Moving message" logger.debug( "{0} {1} of {2}: UID {3}".format( message, i + 1, number_of_forensic_msgs, msg_uid ) ) try: connection.move_message(msg_uid, forensic_reports_folder) except Exception as e: e = "Error moving message UID {0}: {1}".format(msg_uid, e) logger.error("Mailbox error: {0}".format(e)) if len(smtp_tls_msg_uids) > 0: message = "Moving SMTP TLS report messages from" logger.debug( "{0} {1} to {2}".format( message, reports_folder, smtp_tls_reports_folder ) ) number_of_smtp_tls_uids = len(smtp_tls_msg_uids) for i in range(number_of_smtp_tls_uids): msg_uid = smtp_tls_msg_uids[i] message = "Moving message" logger.debug( "{0} {1} of {2}: UID {3}".format( message, i + 1, number_of_smtp_tls_uids, msg_uid ) ) try: connection.move_message(msg_uid, smtp_tls_reports_folder) except Exception as e: e = "Error moving message UID {0}: {1}".format(msg_uid, e) logger.error("Mailbox error: {0}".format(e)) results = OrderedDict( [ ("aggregate_reports", aggregate_reports), ("forensic_reports", forensic_reports), ("smtp_tls_reports", smtp_tls_reports), ] ) if current_time: total_messages = len( connection.fetch_messages(reports_folder, since=current_time) ) else: total_messages = len(connection.fetch_messages(reports_folder)) if not test and not batch_size and total_messages > 0: # Process emails that came in during the last run results = get_dmarc_reports_from_mailbox( connection=connection, reports_folder=reports_folder, archive_folder=archive_folder, delete=delete, test=test, nameservers=nameservers, dns_timeout=dns_timeout, strip_attachment_payloads=strip_attachment_payloads, results=results, ip_db_path=ip_db_path, always_use_local_files=always_use_local_files, reverse_dns_map_path=reverse_dns_map_path, reverse_dns_map_url=reverse_dns_map_url, offline=offline, since=current_time, ) return results
[docs]def watch_inbox( mailbox_connection: MailboxConnection, callback: Callable, reports_folder="INBOX", archive_folder="Archive", delete=False, test=False, check_timeout=30, ip_db_path=None, always_use_local_files=False, reverse_dns_map_path=None, reverse_dns_map_url=None, offline=False, nameservers=None, dns_timeout=6.0, strip_attachment_payloads=False, batch_size=None, ): """ Watches the mailbox for new messages and sends the results to a callback function Args: mailbox_connection: The mailbox connection object callback: The callback function to receive the parsing results reports_folder: The IMAP folder where reports can be found archive_folder: The folder to move processed mail to delete (bool): Delete messages after processing them test (bool): Do not move or delete messages after processing them check_timeout (int): Number of seconds to wait for a IMAP IDLE response or the number of seconds until the next mail check ip_db_path (str): Path to a MMDB file from MaxMind or DBIP always_use_local_files (bool): Do not download files reverse_dns_map_path (str): Path to a reverse DNS map file reverse_dns_map_url (str): URL to a reverse DNS map file offline (bool): Do not query online for geolocation or DNS nameservers (list): A list of one or more nameservers to use (Cloudflare's public DNS resolvers by default) dns_timeout (float): Set the DNS query timeout strip_attachment_payloads (bool): Replace attachment payloads in forensic report samples with None batch_size (int): Number of messages to read and process before saving """ def check_callback(connection): sa = strip_attachment_payloads res = get_dmarc_reports_from_mailbox( connection=connection, reports_folder=reports_folder, archive_folder=archive_folder, delete=delete, test=test, ip_db_path=ip_db_path, always_use_local_files=always_use_local_files, reverse_dns_map_path=reverse_dns_map_path, reverse_dns_map_url=reverse_dns_map_url, offline=offline, nameservers=nameservers, dns_timeout=dns_timeout, strip_attachment_payloads=sa, batch_size=batch_size, create_folders=False, ) callback(res), check_timeout=check_timeout)
def append_json(filename, reports): with open(filename, "a+", newline="\n", encoding="utf-8") as output: output_json = json.dumps(reports, ensure_ascii=False, indent=2) if, os.SEEK_END) != 0: if len(reports) == 0: # not appending anything, don't do any dance to append it # correctly return - 1) last_char = if last_char == "]": # remove the trailing "\n]", leading "[\n", and replace with # ",\n" - 2) output.write(",\n") output_json = output_json[2:] else: output.truncate() output.write(output_json) def append_csv(filename, csv): with open(filename, "a+", newline="\n", encoding="utf-8") as output: if, os.SEEK_END) != 0: # strip the headers from the CSV _headers, csv = csv.split("\n", 1) if len(csv) == 0: # not appending anything, don't do any dance to # append it correctly return output.write(csv)
[docs]def save_output( results, output_directory="output", aggregate_json_filename="aggregate.json", forensic_json_filename="forensic.json", smtp_tls_json_filename="smtp_tls.json", aggregate_csv_filename="aggregate.csv", forensic_csv_filename="forensic.csv", smtp_tls_csv_filename="smtp_tls.csv", ): """ Save report data in the given directory Args: results (OrderedDict): Parsing results output_directory (str): The path to the directory to save in aggregate_json_filename (str): Filename for the aggregate JSON file forensic_json_filename (str): Filename for the forensic JSON file smtp_tls_json_filename (str): Filename for the SMTP TLS JSON file aggregate_csv_filename (str): Filename for the aggregate CSV file forensic_csv_filename (str): Filename for the forensic CSV file smtp_tls_csv_filename (str): Filename for the SMTP TLS CSV file """ aggregate_reports = results["aggregate_reports"] forensic_reports = results["forensic_reports"] smtp_tls_reports = results["smtp_tls_reports"] output_directory = os.path.expanduser(output_directory) if os.path.exists(output_directory): if not os.path.isdir(output_directory): raise ValueError("{0} is not a directory".format(output_directory)) else: os.makedirs(output_directory) append_json( os.path.join(output_directory, aggregate_json_filename), aggregate_reports ) append_csv( os.path.join(output_directory, aggregate_csv_filename), parsed_aggregate_reports_to_csv(aggregate_reports), ) append_json( os.path.join(output_directory, forensic_json_filename), forensic_reports ) append_csv( os.path.join(output_directory, forensic_csv_filename), parsed_forensic_reports_to_csv(forensic_reports), ) append_json( os.path.join(output_directory, smtp_tls_json_filename), smtp_tls_reports ) append_csv( os.path.join(output_directory, smtp_tls_csv_filename), parsed_smtp_tls_reports_to_csv(smtp_tls_reports), ) samples_directory = os.path.join(output_directory, "samples") if not os.path.exists(samples_directory): os.makedirs(samples_directory) sample_filenames = [] for forensic_report in forensic_reports: sample = forensic_report["sample"] message_count = 0 parsed_sample = forensic_report["parsed_sample"] subject = parsed_sample["filename_safe_subject"] filename = subject while filename in sample_filenames: message_count += 1 filename = "{0} ({1})".format(subject, message_count) sample_filenames.append(filename) filename = "{0}.eml".format(filename) path = os.path.join(samples_directory, filename) with open(path, "w", newline="\n", encoding="utf-8") as sample_file: sample_file.write(sample)
[docs]def get_report_zip(results): """ Creates a zip file of parsed report output Args: results (OrderedDict): The parsed results Returns: bytes: zip file bytes """ def add_subdir(root_path, subdir): subdir_path = os.path.join(root_path, subdir) for subdir_root, subdir_dirs, subdir_files in os.walk(subdir_path): for subdir_file in subdir_files: subdir_file_path = os.path.join(root_path, subdir, subdir_file) if os.path.isfile(subdir_file_path): rel_path = os.path.relpath(subdir_root, subdir_file_path) subdir_arc_name = os.path.join(rel_path, subdir_file) zip_file.write(subdir_file_path, subdir_arc_name) for subdir in subdir_dirs: add_subdir(subdir_path, subdir) storage = BytesIO() tmp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp() try: save_output(results, tmp_dir) with zipfile.ZipFile(storage, "w", zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED) as zip_file: for root, dirs, files in os.walk(tmp_dir): for file in files: file_path = os.path.join(root, file) if os.path.isfile(file_path): arcname = os.path.join(os.path.relpath(root, tmp_dir), file) zip_file.write(file_path, arcname) for directory in dirs: dir_path = os.path.join(root, directory) if os.path.isdir(dir_path): zip_file.write(dir_path, directory) add_subdir(root, directory) finally: shutil.rmtree(tmp_dir) return storage.getvalue()
[docs]def email_results( results, host, mail_from, mail_to, mail_cc=None, mail_bcc=None, port=0, require_encryption=False, verify=True, username=None, password=None, subject=None, attachment_filename=None, message=None, ): """ Emails parsing results as a zip file Args: results (OrderedDict): Parsing results host: Mail server hostname or IP address mail_from: The value of the message from header mail_to (list): A list of addresses to mail to mail_cc (list): A list of addresses to CC mail_bcc (list): A list addresses to BCC port (int): Port to use require_encryption (bool): Require a secure connection from the start verify (bool): verify the SSL/TLS certificate username (str): An optional username password (str): An optional password subject (str): Overrides the default message subject attachment_filename (str): Override the default attachment filename message (str): Override the default plain text body """ logger.debug("Emailing report to: {0}".format(",".join(mail_to))) date_string ="%Y-%m-%d") if attachment_filename: if not attachment_filename.lower().endswith(".zip"): attachment_filename += ".zip" filename = attachment_filename else: filename = "DMARC-{0}.zip".format(date_string) assert isinstance(mail_to, list) if subject is None: subject = "DMARC results for {0}".format(date_string) if message is None: message = "DMARC results for {0}".format(date_string) zip_bytes = get_report_zip(results) attachments = [(filename, zip_bytes)] send_email( host, mail_from, mail_to, message_cc=mail_cc, message_bcc=mail_bcc, port=port, require_encryption=require_encryption, verify=verify, username=username, password=password, subject=subject, attachments=attachments, plain_message=message, )